06 December 2005

He hasn't a queue

James Robertson has an interesting and telling post in his blog,
We have a failure of Imagination, which has a reply to Elliotte Rusty Harold's Today's News, although my problems with the post are different than James'.

Java's List class does not lack any of the functionality in Ruby's. Java just factors it out into a few more classes, especially the Collections class, and skips a couple of rarely used "convenience" methods. The result is a simpler, easier-to-understand, easier-to-use, more humane API.

I'd hardly call the feeble classes in Java "humane", maybe "less intimidating" for the type of programmers that use Java. Programmers that have had some time using Java end up with large libraries of "methods" that work, and that fill in the holes in the Java libraries.

A bigger problem that I have with Elliotte Rusty Harold's post is that he makes some comments that I find astonishing.

Another example: Fowler likes the first and last methods in Ruby, but list.first() is not significantly simpler than list.get(0). list.last() is perhaps a little simpler than list.get(list.size() - 1) but only because Java stupidly indexes everything from 0 rather than 1.

Well, other than list.get(0).list.last() is considerably uglier and less obvious than list.first(), but then again, you can always document what you were trying to do so that some other programmer can understand the code.

But this is the comment that really takes the cake.

And how often do you actually need to get the first item in the list? Needing the last item in a list is even less common.

Is he kidding? Has he taken a Data Structures and Algorithms course? I'd recommend that he get the Data Structures book by Aho, et al. It's right on Amazon. The second chapter, "Basic Data Types", has sections on "The Data Type, List", "Implementation of Lists", "Stacks", "Queues", "Mappings", and "Stacks and Recursive Procedures". Since stacks and queues are pretty vital parts of quite a bit of the programming I've done and Mr. Harold's ignorance about the subject leads me to believe that he must have slept through that part of the course, since I assume that he does have training in the field of Computer Science. Hell, I learned that stuff ages ago, even though I went to college in the early '70s when that type of course didn't exist at the University of Michigan.

Cees deGroot has a similar viewpoint here.

17 October 2005

Ruby O-O programming and the big time

The local open source has scheduled for the next monthly meeting a talk on Ruby. The description says in part, "ruby is a newer, popular interpreted language supported on many platforms. It is respected for its powerful object oriented design."

Count me unimpressed. I guess if you compare it to perl, it does have a better implemented object facility than perl does. I'll take a less "fashionable" GNU Smalltalk over Ruby any day. GST is meant to be a scripting language just as Ruby is, however GST uses a different syntax that isn't borrowed from procedural based languages like C, C++, and Java (Yeah, I know C++ is supposed to be an OO language).

Hmmm, maybe I'll do a talk on GST at one of the upcoming meetings.

02 October 2005

More on OPML


OPML spec, but given that the spec is in a place that doesn't appear to be any place "official", I don't know how useful it is.

Maybe this is as professional as Dave gets. I'm not saying that Mr. Winer is a hack, in fact I think he's a bit of a visionary in the internet space, but it would be nice to see him link up with people or organizations that will fill in the blank spots that Dave leaves in his work. He's more of a hacker who needs some documenters to make his stuff into something usable to everyone else.

I'm comparing this work with the RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 docs, which includes a more complete spec and an RDF definition. Another usable spec is the RSS 0.91 Spec, revision 3. In contrast to these specs is the RSS 2.0 Specification, that's another example of Dave's work. I'm not aware of sample files for the OPML spec like there are for the RSS 2.0 spec.

30 September 2005

Idiots from Seattle

In this article
Some one has to say it
, James Robertson takes Scoble to task for his gushing over OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language).

I don't know why anyone takes anything that idiot Scoble says with any
seriousness at all.

He's a marketdroid from whose mouth spews nothing but
spam and stupid blatherings. Sure there are a large number of people that
hang on his every word "because he is influential." He acts like some
petulant 4 year old girl learning to be a floozy that she saw in one
of her mother's soap operas; either gushing about some M$ "innovation"
or blathering about anything negative said about some other product by
any other company but M$.

As for his self-proclaimed "geek" status, I
don't think so. It's all in his feeble imagination.

Blog version 2

Moving my blog from http://homepage.mac.com/smalltalker2/iblog/ here because
a) the iBlog software was a pain to use. Not easy to run the blog from multiple machines and I moved the main machine behind a firewall and the machine now has no access to the internet at large.
b) I now have access to the blog from anywhere.

I do miss being able to easily categorize posts like I could in iBlog. And Blogger could use a trackback facility. I think I'm still looking for good blogging software.

I may move all the entries over here and get rid of the old one, not that I'll need the space since .Mac space is now up to 1 GB. But one never knows...

26 September 2005

James Robertson, where are you?

Have you publicized the new CST (that's Cincom SmallTalk) Tech Tips blog? I know there's nothing there yet, but just the same...

Maybe that'll get the tips started.