Ramblings about the Smalltalk Language and environments that I've had experiences with. Warning: may include small parts of other musings.
19 November 2019
Pharo Takeover
Well, a small group of far-left authoritarians have taken over the Pharo Project. They've single-handedly instituted a "Code of Conduct" promulgated by an individual that hates the heterosexual world, trying to force other people to accept and condone the the bizarre trans world. There a small faction that ascribes to the far-left world view, and they're trying to force all the others to accept their rule. I've cancelled my contributions to the Pharo Association and to some projects I was supporting. Good luck to them, Pharo is persona non-grata as far as I'm concerned. I abandoned Squeak Smalltalk because they didn't accept contributions except people in the clique. It looks like Pharo has decided to go down the same path. Long live normal Smalltalk, not controlled by a radical minority.
01 September 2019
Something different
Just though I'd plug two other blogs I write, Object Networks Blog(the company blog) and Objectnets Open Source. I write about almost anything programming related in theses blogs, I don't just stick to Smalltalk topics. I hope you enjoy them, and maybe learn something new.
22 April 2019
Hey I finally got some feedback from my postings!
Mariano Martinez Peck said:
Hi John, I was just checking your sites and blog and it looks pretty cool and what you have been doing with single boards. I will stay tunned! I am personally interested in SoB , IoT, etc and here are Instantiations we also want to continue targeting that more and more. You can check yourself about that in mine, Seth Berman, and Instantiations official twitter and linkedin everything we have been doing.
So far we worked with Raspberry in particular. We added GPIO accessing and MQTT binding, and we already had since several years, minimal images (server running in 1.5MB), remote debugging, stack dumping (similar to Fuel stack dump) and many other features that are quite nice for IoT. (Some stuff redacted here…) We have a long list of devices to try and probe the portability of our VM.
Anyway, if you are interested on learning more, lets us know.
And I replied:
I have to update my website (https://objectnets.net and https://objectnets.org) because I also experiment with Arduino stuff (Uno, Due, and Mega 2560). In fact, I just spent 4 1/2 hours last night playing with the Uno. I must have several hundred buried in IoT gear, not even considering the ancillary gear I been collecting over the decades. I’d love to do more work with Smalltalk on these devices, if I only had more time…
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